My Love For Autism Foundation Inc. will be a game-changing resource, delivering start up grants that will be available to people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to launch their own entrepreneurial ventures. Grants are designed to provide access to individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders.
We are committed to better understanding the aspirations of people with autism spectrum disorder and helping them to fulfill their potential to lead positive, productive and rewarding lives, through:
Ensuring the development of global outreach that will facilitate the sharing of entrepreneurship
Raising awareness and promoting the value, acceptance, and inclusion of people with ASD
To create employment, independence and self worth for individuals living with autism so they can enjoy and be proud of themselves. Teach them money management skills, social skills, etc. “Ninety per cent of people with autism are unemployed or underemployed,” It’s a staggering number. What’s more disappointing is that it can be difficult for those with autism to find meaningful employment.
- Provide high-quality information, intervention, education and support to families of diverse cultures.
Engage in research to further knowledge in the field of ASD
Establish funding required to sustain the mission and program goals through grants, donations, and events
My Love For Autism, Inc. is a US public charity (EIN #), recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as exempt from Federal tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. Donors should consult their tax adviser to determine whether they are eligible to claim a deduction associated with their donation to this event.
My Love For Autism Foundation Inc. will be a game-changing resource, delivering start up grants that will be available to people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to launch their own entrepreneurial ventures.
PO Box 452185
Sunrise FL 33345
United States
1 (407) 288-2755
Copyright 2022 My Love For Autism, Inc. My Love For Autism CBD, Inc., PatriceChen-Tom #MyLoveForAutism #MyLoveForAutismCBD Autism, My Love For Autism, My Love For Autism Foundation, My Love For Autism Gold Puzzle Piece + Green Puzzle Piece logo are Trademarks. The contents of this website are copyright works. All Rights Reserved.